
Saturday, October 29, 2011

almost 28!


I can't believe that in 10 days, I'll be a year older again. I'll be 28! It feels like it was just yesterday when I left the comforts of our home in what then was a sleepy city--- Naga City. Between then and now, especially when my beloved parents passed away, everything has just been one helluva roller coaster ride.  I've learned so many things in and about this game also known as "LIFE."

From today, in preparation for my 28th year, I would like to share with you the top ten lessons/things which I've learned about LIFE... So here goes ..

LESSON #10: Taking care of one's health is really a must

That's no brainer, you'd say, but let's admit it: more often than not, we're guilty of taking our health for granted. And I am no exception! I used to be real thin, I never exercised and I didn't use to eat healthy.

This year though, I started to realize that my body's not getting any younger and that I couldn't afford to have the lifestyle that I had five or eight years ago. In the last  3 years, I used to get exhausted and feel stressed out a lot of time and I would  blame it on work as well as on the research work that I had to do in graduate school. I could say that I was really very unhealthy! But since I've started do some walking exercise and yoga early this year, I feel lighter! Now, although I stay awake til wee hours in the morning or work a lot, I don't feel so cranky or moody anymore.

One of the major changes I made in the name of health is switching from drinking coffee to Milo or tea. And ever since I did that, I've never experienced shortness of breath or palpitations which used to make me feel so anxious. I've also become more fond of eating vegetables and lean meat.  As much as possible, I try to eat more healthy food such a fruits and vegetables to cleanse by body!

One bad habit that I'm working on til now though is smoking. Yes, I've been an on and off smoker for 5 years and I would really like to let go of this habit completely. I'm constantly encouraging myself to kick this habit and I really hope that it'll be a success soon!

You see, our body really needs utmost care. They say that if you give the kind of care that it needs now, there will come a time that you'll really be thankful that you did.

* Disclaimer: Sorry for rambling and excuse my grammar too. My eyes are really heavy now. No time to edit! =)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

we'll miss you FRAPPEE


I'm swamped today. So swamped that I cannot afford to waste even a few minutes of my time. But due to a very sad happening yesterday, I really felt like I needed to write. I need some diversion. Something that will get this pain off my chest.

And so I thought of writing here again.. Besides, I really have to update this blog often so that I have some form of relief and relaxation whenever things go haywire at work or at home.

Anyway, yesterday, we lost one of our very first dogs-- FRAPPEE. We never actually knew that he was that special until he went missing. I must admit, we didn't give him so much attention as we're more focused on the girls. We thought that since he's a boy, he didn't need as much care. Last night, while I was reflecting on what had happened, I realized that I really took him for granted. And it's so sad because now, there's no chance for me anymore to show him  that we love him as much as we love the others-- COFFEE, LANA and PAIGE. Losing him really reminded me once again that we should love our family and friends unconditionally. And just like after losing Momiji, I realized again how important it is to cherish every moment with your loved ones. So that if disappearances transpire or if you lose them, you won't have any regrets. You are reassured by the thought that you have given your best and that you have cared for and loved them the best way you can..

I'm really sorry, dear Frappee, for everything that we should've done but didn't do for you. We could only hope and pray now that you're in good hands. I hope they'd cuddle you when it rains because you're scared of the sound of the rain and thunder. We hope that you were found by good people and that they treat you well. We'll miss you! *sob*


Friday, July 8, 2011

special weekend

It's weekend again! 

Although I work on weekends mostly, I still enjoy them since my work schedule's not as hectic (unless there are special class requests, of course) and I only get to work for 5 or 6 hours. The weekend is also my favorite part of the week as I  get to watch my favorite series or catch up on my reading. This particular weekend is extra special though. I only have classes this morning then in the afternoon, I'm off to my sister's place. We will celebrate her birthday, as well as my niece's and her friend's birthdays! Triple celebration so three times the fun.. ^^ Tomorrow's also another  free day so I can just do whatever I want!  

Here are some pictures that started my weekend right!  Hope you enjoy them too.. Happy weekend!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

just relaxing

Listening to music really de-stresses me.Hence, it has become one of my favorite pastimes. Everyday, whenever i feel so tired after hours of having classes or writing, I just listen to my favorite songs. And after two or three tracks, I would just feel so energized again..Here are some of my favorite songs in my playlist:






happy listening.. ^^ xoxo..

Monday, May 30, 2011

awesome weekend with kung fu panda

Last weekend, my partner and I decided to watch Kung Fu Panda 2. Initially, we were thinking of watching "In the Name of Love" but due to the sad events last week, we decided to see the hit animated flick instead. After all, we love the first franchise too. As expected, I forgot all about my sadness for 1 1/2 hours! There's really just one word to describe it: AWESOMENESS! The storyline is good, the actions scenes are exciting and the dialogs are really hilarious! Po really made me laugh real hard again! With the added 3D feature, the movie's really a must-see!

One thing that I loved about the movie is its take on inner peace by letting go of the past. People who are dear and close to me know so well that I'm such a wallower. No matter how things seem perfect and how happy I am, I always have the tendency to look backwards and savor the painful events in the past. Very often these days, after my baby pup's death, I have looked back specifically into that time in the past when I did a lot of mistakes. This just shows me that I haven't forgiven myself completely yet and that I haven't fully come to terms with what I have done. So, while watching the movie, Po's line--"You've got to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter . The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now"-- really struck me. Yeah, he's right. Everyone around me's right. Past is past. Everyone has his or her own past and we cannot change it!  We must let go of it completely to fully enjoy the present and embrace the future. =)

Hence, I have to really work on letting go. It's what I really need to do to experience inner peace. And who knows? I might just save a country or millions of lives! Awesomeness. =)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

happy thoughts

Today, I have grown more depressed. I couldn't get off my mind the look on my baby's face during his last hours. I really miss him. But I'm trying to fight it back. Cliche as it may sound but "life must go on." So I checked out some inspiring thoughts again to be motivated through the day.

As I said yesterday, Momiji's death serves as a reminder that life is indeed too short. So I posted the following to help me reflect on the present status of my life . They're simple reminders indeed on how to make life more worth living...

